Sunday, January 24, 2010

Speed Breakers

Somehow I have this thing about weekends. Guess, it is bcoz it is the only time in the week when I get to introspect. And this intospection can be killing, mind you. When the mind falls in a thought trench, it is difficult to climb up and come out of it. And in such cases, to the rescue come THE WEEKDAYS. Think of it as a road with speed breakers. You keep going fast, when suddenly you hit a speed breaker(in this case periodic ones). You go slow over them to speed up again. Is speed good? Dunnno..Would weekdays be good had they been like weekends..a BIG NO. But I miss the introspection on weekdays.....Thank God, they both exist...


Unknown said...

Yaa..its true!!! Smtimes its necessary for us to strike the right balance..However smtimes..u dnt need to do so...since external forces make it happen as in ur case!!
The imp thing is nt to fall over those speed breakers which cm bt to go slow and overcm them!!

mysterytryst said...

so very true...

Kenshin said...

Have Fun !! all days For The Win :D like me ofcourse :D