Thursday, April 12, 2012


I am waiting...waiting to be disengaged from service. It was an year ago that I decided on planning for further studies. From then on, the mind has been one scene of a melee..different disconnected tasks / thoughts each wanting to supersede the other for priority. Some thoughts that are just like those rogue processes that slow down your PC, without adding any value..their origins unknown..Add to that my whims and the blessings of the surroundings (the recos were indeed frustrating)..and it becomes a perfect mix for confusion / irritation. Three months back, I formally announced my decision to quit. I had imagined that the last month would be a cakewalk leading to a smooth exit.

But, things are still not getting cooled. In fact, they have heated up like they never were in the last year, accompanied by a lot of travelling, as if saying to me, " Won't spare you so easily, dude..". A major contributor in my restlessness towards this is my close association with the work. It is difficult for me (my bad..) to be fully dedicated to something at one point in time and suddenly starting to neglect it ( no wonder my blogs are dedicated to inertia of being...). Have heard without heed a lot of preachings from family members about how I am wrong in this regard..but they will be at peace too shortly, I hope..

Two more weeks and I will be free again. Work thoughts are going to flow out and new thoughts would flow in. I know it will take some time to focus in the newly found freedom. Hope to make the best of it...and I get back to waiting..